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Manages tasks in Google Sheets, output target tasks in Google Docs, and send reminders via Gmail, allowing for efficient task management on Google Workspace.

This tool is a database-style task management tool designed for managing tasks. It enables efficient task management within Google Workspace without using external apps. Unlike Google's built-in apps like Keep and Tasks, SheetTasker offers various features such as embedding URLs into specific words, notifying task reminders via Gmail, and more. In addition to individual-level task management, it also allows for task management at the team level.
  • A Google account with access to Google Sheets, Docs, and Gmail.
  • A foundational understanding of Google Sheets, Docs, Gmail, and Google Apps Script.
  1. Access Your Google Sheet: Begin by opening the Sample Google Sheet.
    • For your reference, you can find sample Google Documents used to display tasks from HERE, which will be explained later.
    • The samples provided are merely illustrative, showcasing a tasks managements for an educational institution.
  2. Copy the Google Sheet: Make a copy of the Google Sheet to create your personalized version.
  3. Authorization: The first time you run the script, it will ask for your permission to access certain data. If you're using a free Gmail account, you might see a warning that says Not Verified by Google. Don't worry about this warning - you still need to give permission for the script to work. The script is yours alone, and it won't share any data outside of Google, unless you choose to share your Google Sheet. The only data it might send outside of Google is website status codes, for monitoring purposes.
  4. Return to Original Format: Use this option to reset the Google Sheet to its original format (i.e., Delete sample task sheets, clear contents in index sheets, reset pre-defined sample information, and delete sample triggers). Navigate to Custom Menu > SETTINGS and click Reset All Pre-Defined Info & Triggers.
  5. Set Information to be Pre-defined: Navigate to Custom Menu > SETTINGS > Set Pre-Defined Info to customize the system to your specific requirements.
    • General Setting: Essential to use this tool such as defining index-sheets and name of the editors (work staff) in the Google Sheet.
    • Setting for Each Type of Reminder: This setting is designed to configure each type of reminder: general reminders, which notify designated staff of all incomplete tasks, and staff-based reminders. For each reminder type, users need to set information such as the staff to receive the reminder, the URL of the Google Doc displaying target tasks, and the trigger to execute sending reminder email.
    • Google Sheet and Doc Integration: Set a trigger to monitor task completion statuses in Google Doc and update the completion field in Google Sheet.
    Access Setting Button
    Figure: Access Setting Button
    Features in Settings
    Figure: Features in Settings
  1. Task Sheet Generation: Create task sheets by selecting Custom Menu > TASK SHEETS > Create a New Task Sheet, designed to support a structured format for task management sheet.
    • Delegate tasks to team members using the in-built dropdown functionality within the task sheet.
    • To alter the task sheet's access permissions, proceed to Custom Menu > TASK SHEETS > Modify Editors of the Current Sheet.
    Task Sheet Interface
    Fig: Task Sheet Interface
  2. Reminders Testing: Test the reminder system via Custom Menu > TEST.
    • Ensure Google Docs are established for each reminder type prior to utilization of this feature.
    Email Reminder Notification
    Fig: Email Reminder Notification
    General Reminder Doc Today
    Fig: General Reminder Today's Doc
    General Reminder Doc Week
    Fig: General Reminder Week's Doc
  3. Status Synchronization: Input "C" in "Complete" column for tasks in Google Docs, which is synchronized with your Google Sheets.
    • You can test this synchronization by Custom Menu > TEST >Update Completion Status.
    Input C into Google Doc
    Fig: Input "C" to Indicate Task Completion in Google Doc
    Status Reflection in Google Sheet
    Fig: Task Completion Status Reflection in Google Sheet
  4. Organization of Sheet Info: Optimize your sheet organization by using Custom Menu > Update Index Sheets and Sort Task Sheets.
    • This sorts task sheets by date and update index sheets.
    • Add the pre-set completion flag to the sheet with all tasks completed. This makes the sheet information automatically included in the completed-task-index (e.g., If you set "Fin" as the sheet completion flag and include "Fin" in the sheet name, the information of the corresponding sheet will be automatically reflected in the completed-task-index.).
    Organization of Sheet Info
    Fig: Organization of Sheet Info

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You can find the source code for this tool on Github. Click HERE .

Last updated: May 5, 2024