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Automates the creation of work manuals by extracting essential details from Google Slides and organizing them into Google Sheets, improving workflow efficiency.

This tool serves as a pivotal asset for organizations aiming to centralize their manual documentation in Google Drive. By consolidating manuals onto a single platform, it facilitates easy access for all workers. Moreover, it ensures that the information within each work manual is conveyed in a concise manner, enhancing readability and comprehension.
  • A Google account with access to Google Sheets and Slides.
  • A foundational understanding of Google Sheets, Google Slides and Google Apps Script.
  1. Access a Sample Google Sheet: Begin by opening the Sample Google Sheet. You can also find the Sample Google Slide.

    *Note: The samples provided are merely illustrative, showcasing a manual for an educational institution.

  2. Copy the Google Sheet: Make a copy of the Google Sheet to create your personalized version.
  3. Authorization: The first time you run the script, it will ask for your permission to access certain data. If you're using a free Gmail account, you might see a warning that says Not Verified by Google. Don't worry about this warning - you still need to give permission for the script to work. The script is yours alone, and it won't share any data outside of Google, unless you choose to share your Google Sheet. The only data it might send outside of Google is website status codes, for monitoring purposes.
  4. Return to Original Format: Use this option to reset the Google Sheet to its original format (i.e., Delete all of the sample sheets except index sheet, reset all pre-defined information, and clear contents in index sheet). Navigate to Custom MenuClick Setting and click Delete All Sheets and Pre-Set Info.
    Setting Menu
    Fig: Setting Menu
  5. Set Slide URL and Name of Index Sheet: Navigate to Custom Menu > Setting and click Set Necessary Info designating URL of Google Slide and name of the index sheet of Google Sheet.
  1. Make Slides with Designated Patterns

    Users need to create slides in the designated Google Slide following a certain pattern. The first slide of each section should follow this structure:

    Category:【Category Name】Subcategory Name
    Task: Task Name
    Summary: Summary Descriptions
    Slide Pattern
    Figure: Slide Structure

    The script gets and stores the details including the slide URL and category name from the first slide, which are later output in the Google Sheet.

  2. Update Index & Task Sheets

    Navigate to Custom Menu and click Update Index & Task Sheets. This action automatically updates the index and task sheets based on the latest slide data.

    Update Button
    Figure: Update Button
    Index Sheet
    Figure: Updates in Index Sheet
    Task Sheet
    Figure: Updates in Task Sheet

If you are interested in the logics on how the details from Google Slides are extracted and outputting them into Google Sheet, click HERE for the detailed explanation.

Please note that your use of this website is subject to the Terms and Conditions.

You can find the source code for this tool on Github. Click HERE .

Last updated: May 5, 2024